- Add your wisdom to the FYI/Advice for future trainees docs:
Elementary Secondary
- Transfer Training Program notes to Overseas Group Notes:
Elementary Secondary
- Make a copy of the Overseas School Observation Report, add it to your Journal Folder add it to your Journal Folder and start documenting your experiences. Example Activity
Begin preparing for your ‘Show & Tell’ Presentation of activities and methods you observed overseas.
- Please add overseas locations of note to the TTP2019 Google Map
- Add useful vocabulary your learned in Canada to the Overseas Quizlet (password: timhorton)
- Add photos that would be helpful to future trainees (related to logistics, classroom environment, etc.) to theTTP 2019 Overseas Albums (Elementary Secondary) or post them to the Band if you prefer
- Create a short blog post about your overseas experience. It can be a simple as a photo or a restaurant tip.
Extensive Reading
- Pick up your books
- Update your ER Log
- Read