Saturday, April 27, 2019

Historical Approaches to Education and ELT

Theories and Approaches to Second Language Acquisition

Behavior analysis

The term "behaviorism" was coined by John Watson (1878–1959). Watson believed the behaviorist view is a purely objective experimental branch of natural science with a goal to predict and control behavior.[7][8] In an article in the Psychological Review, he stated that, "Its theoretical goal is the prediction and control of behavior. Introspection forms no essential part of its methods, nor is the scientific value of its data dependent upon the readiness with which they lend themselves to interpretation in terms of consciousness."[9]
Cognitive theories grew out of Gestalt psychology. Gestalt psychology was developed in Germany in the early 1900s by Wolfgang Kohler[23] and was brought to America in the 1920s. The German word Gestaltis roughly equivalent to the English configuration or organization and emphasizes the whole of human experience.[24] Over the years, the Gestalt psychologists provided demonstrations and described principles to explain the way we organize our sensations into perceptions


Founded by Jean Piaget, constructivism emphasizes the importance of the active involvement of learners in constructing knowledge for themselves. Students are thought to use background knowledge and concepts to assist them in their acquisition of novel information. On approaching such new information, the learner faces a loss of equilibrium with their previous understanding, and this demands a change in cognitive structure. This change effectively combines previous and novel information to form an improved cognitive schema. Constructivism can be both subjectively and contextually based. Under the theory of radical constructivism, coined by Ernst von Glasersfeld, understanding relies on one's subjective interpretation of experience as opposed to objective "reality". Similarly, William Cobern's idea of contextual constructivism encompasses the effects of culture and society on experience.[34]

Transformative learning theory

Transformative learning theory seeks to explain how humans revise and reinterpret meaning.[40] Transformative learning is the cognitive process of effecting change in a frame of reference.[41] A frame of reference defines our view of the world. The emotions are often involved.[42] Adults have a tendency to reject any ideas that do not correspond to their particular values, associations and concepts.[41]

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Pre-departure Odds & Ends and Documenting the Overseas Experience

Pre-departure Odds & Ends

Documenting and Processing your Overseas Experience (During & After)
  • Overseas Journal: Hard copy and/or Digital
  • Eventually, each class will transfer notes to Overseas Group Notes: Elementary   Secondary
    Feel free to do so along the way.
  • When you return, you will be asked complete an Overseas School Observation Report. If you like, you can make a copy of that document now, add it to your Journal Folder, and start documenting your experiences and begin preparing for your ‘Show & Tell’ Presentation of activities and methods you observed overseas. . Example Activity
  • Add useful vocabulary your learned in Canada to the Overseas Quizlet (password: timhorton)
  • Add photos that would be helpful to other trainees (related to logistics, classroom environment, etc.) to the TTP 2019 Overseas Albums (Elementary Secondary) or post them to the Band if you prefer.
  • Share on the ground wisdom with future trainees Advice Docs: Elementary Secondary

Extensive Reading

Enjoy ER time when you can. Please make sure your ER Log is updated before departure. Feel free to take an ER book with you to Canada. If we're lucky, your ordered books will arrive before departure.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Course Evaluations - Session#1

Please complete a course evaluation for each TTP course.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Welcome the the Whew Club!

After your Demonstration
1) Please post your activities in the TTP Kitchen
The goal is to share useful components of your lesson with past, current, and future trainees. You do not need to post the entire lesson or copy and paste the entire overview, but please make sure to include:

2) Teaching Demonstration#1 Reflection

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Week#5 Buffet

ER Resources

Lounge Goodies

Quizlet - search 'Title Chapter'


Teaching Demonstration Thoughts
- 50+%, 
- output documentation
- during TD, lean into 'teacher mode'
- whole group, anyone?
-  part 1- part 2
Self-Assessment, Embrace the Experiment, Don't be afraid to flop
Tentative Schedule Here

Classroom English/ TEE 
Classroom English Megalist * Checking for Understanding (ICQ & CCQ)

More TEE Resources

TILL Output

Produce at least one blog post describing how you can use one or more TILL tools in your teaching. Create at least one example teaching object (e.g. Quizlet set, Wordart, Quizizz, etc.) and link to or embed it on your blog.
Audio Guide Odds & Ends

Text to Speech Tools

Questions for Former Trainees
Elementary     Secondary

TTP 2018 Overseas Albums (Elementary   Secondary  Secondary#2)